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Speed of the Computer


We can categorize computer in some time according to speed of the computer. and some times we can measure this speed by "clock Speed" unit. and we can use "Hertz - Hz" for measure the speed of the computer. and today  we are using Gigahertz (Ghz) and Megahertz (Mhz) for measure the speed of modern computers.

1000 Hz     =     1 khz
1000 Khz    =     1 Mhz
1000 Mhz    =     1 Ghz

And we can use "Bits" to  measure the capacity of Central processing Unite and we can cold "word Size" of the computer.

Intel and AMD are very popular Company's about the Processor.

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Main Parts of the Central Processing Unite

Posted by IT Education Blog Site ( ICT Online Education Center)

Central Processing unite is a Brain of the Computer. This central Processing unites can categorize to 3 main categorize as following.

  1. Control Unite (CU)
  2. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
  3. Memory Registers
  • Control Unite

This "control unite" is control all the part if the computer
  • Arithmetic and Logic Unite

All arithmetic and logical process are process by this "Arithmetic and Logic " Unite.
  • Memory Registers

All logical and arithmetic data  are temporally Stored in this "Memory Registers".

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Output Devices

Output Devices

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Input Devices

Web Camera
Key Board

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Computer Architecture

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Basic Function of a Computer






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Specific of the Computer

Computer have many special features.


Computer is very speed more than man and can do lot of work in small time by using computer.


Accuracy is very impotent feature in the computer.


Computer no need intervals as a man.


We can do lot of work in same time by using computer,and so we can cold this is a versatility machine.

Storing and Retrieving

We can store any data or information in any location and we can reuse, review, editing or control that data ore information.

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Classification of Computer Accounrding to the Deasign Technology

We can categorize computer in to 3 main categorize by use design technology.
Digital Computer
Analog Computer
Hybrid Computer

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Classification of Computer According to the Size

We can Classify Computer to mail 4 categorize according to size.

Super Computer
Mainframe Computer
Mini Computer

Micro Computer

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Clasification Of Computer To The Genaration

We can classify computer in  any ways and in this post i am going to classic by the Generation.

5th Generation

Fourth Generation - Micro Processor
Therd Genaration Computer - IC
Second Generation - Transistor
First Generation - Vacuum Tube

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What is the mean of Information?

Information is easy to understand.
Information is have a value

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What is the mean of Data?

Data is not editing any time and following are some examples for Data

Examples :- Danu 35, Nimalka 88 , Nuwan 78, 87 letters , 555 meters

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ICT for the Financial Sector

ICT in the Financial Sector
Computer also used in financial sector and Automatic teller machine (ATM) , as a result of computer technology.
  • Telebanking
  • Phonebankibg
  • Netbanking
are as a result of the computer

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ICT for Health Sector

CT Scanners
Computer is also using  in the Health Sector. For the CT Scanners, MRI Scanners. EEG Scanner, ECG Scanner and Computer is use for control this Machines and we can e-channeling for channel doctor online. and today Health sector is developed to distance operations as a result of computer technology.

EGG Scanner

EEG Scanner

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ICT for Education Sector

Computer is very impotent device for the education sector. We can reuse old Presentation or Application in the class room and it is very special features in the computer.

Today computer is used in the education sector from primary subjects to secondary subjects by using Multimedia Technology.

Today we can see education was developed from tradition education to distance educations. In the distance education, no need to located students and teachers in same place as in the tradition education And in the class room, can get education for only limited numbers of students and but in the e-Education, can get education to lot of students at same time by using Multimedia Technology. So Today Computer is Very Very Impotent for the Education Sector.

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